Sunday, June 8, 2014
"standing in the centre of the midnight garden", 16"x20", acrylic paint on terraskin paper, vintage textiles, mounted on wood panel., 2014
years ago i came across images of vita sackville west's white garden. although it is pleasing in daylight, it is magical in moonlight. this was the inspiration for my latest piece. i'll submit it for consideration for the annual members show at the newfoundland and labrador craft council gallery.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
yesterday i visited the cloutie tree for the first time since last december. it's in a very exposed area,open to the strong winds coming over the mountains or off the ocean. but i was still amazed at how much "fraying" had taken place. most of the chiffon strips were reduced to the tiny knots where i had tied them to the tree. the words had floated away. only 4 words were left: heart, joy, laughter and complete. the tree is leaving me a strong message...
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
the older i get (and yes, another birthday is coming up this week), the more i think about my ancestors. particularly the women. what do we share? what strengths and weaknesses? and what am i passing on? this piece is about two of my ancestors in particular. emma louisa (my great great grandmother on my father's side,) was a young aristocratic protestant british girl who fell in love with with a catholic irish soldier and immigrated to the wilds of northern ontario. what we do for love... and agnes, my great grandmother on my mother's side (in the photo) from edinburgh, scotland, widowed at a young age with three children and started up a shop on high street. agnes also died young and my grandmother took over the shop and the care of her two young brothers when she was only 16. this piece is about these women.their strength and fragility. the women who made me.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Thursday, May 15, 2014
some major changes happening in the studio this week. it was a long dark winter and i'm craving light. so yesterday i had a beautiful large efficient window installed to replace the old slider. today i hope to start painting the studio a crisp white and will get some soft track lighting in.then i will let out a deep breath and get to work. in a couple of weeks time there will be apple blossoms and honeysuckle just outside my window.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
Friday, February 7, 2014
it's taken me a few days to gather my thoughts about my 4 day trip to halifax and get caught up with what i left at home. every time i leave the island i come back richer. i absolutely love travel and would do a lot more of it if i could afford it.
i had 3 of my new paintings hanging in the gallery@acts (part of the atlantic craft trade show). mornings were spent at presentations by 5 gallery owners/museum curators from across canada and one from new york city. and in the afternoons we had the opportunity to meet one on one with them for critiques of our work and more information gathering. with all of their combined experience, i came away with some rare nuggets to think about.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014
i haven't transported paintings for years. 20 years ago i had some wonderful crates built. they travelled a lot. over the past 15 years i've been working mostly with textiles and there is an ease at shipping off or travelling with textiles. for years i thought about getting rid of my crates - giving them to someone who will use them, but it never happened. so, this, the smallest one has been dug out of the basement, freshened up and will be put to use tomorrow when i fly to halifax.
Monday, January 27, 2014
yesterday the weather here on the west coast of the island was unfit. rain, freezing rain, very strong winds. so i gave the day over to starting a new "personal constellation" piece. this one is "harmony". it will be a combination of textiles and painting.
my "personal constellations" are my guideposts at this point in my life. what is important to me. what i need and cherish.
3 other "personal constellations" will be on display this week in halifax, nova scotia at the gallery@acts. this gallery space is set up as part of the atlantic craft trade show and will highlight fine craft from the 4 atlantic provinces. the craft alliance has invited gallery owners and curators from the usa and canada to give workshops and one on one meetings with the participants. i think i'll learn a lot.
my "personal constellations" are my guideposts at this point in my life. what is important to me. what i need and cherish.
3 other "personal constellations" will be on display this week in halifax, nova scotia at the gallery@acts. this gallery space is set up as part of the atlantic craft trade show and will highlight fine craft from the 4 atlantic provinces. the craft alliance has invited gallery owners and curators from the usa and canada to give workshops and one on one meetings with the participants. i think i'll learn a lot.
balance 24"x30" acrylic paint and textiles, 2013
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
if i only worked in one medium at a time, my life would be a lot easier. but where's the fun in that? i have been attempting to set up my studio for painting.

Thursday, January 16, 2014
i have been a painter most of my life.gradually, over the past 15 years i've switched almost entirely to textile work - quilting, rug hooking, knitting and crochet, dyeing, felting, spinning, embroidery. a combination of many of these. this past summer i started painting again and my newest work combines painting and textile practices.
my studio has mostly been for storing supplies and preparing my fleece for my handspun yarn. most of that has now been moved to a spare bedroom and my studio is reverting back to a painting studio. to celebrate my "return", i asked for this easel for christmas and it arrived yesterday. perfect. light but sturdy and flexible. in a few weeks i'll be getting a larger window installed and a bank of good lights. ready to go...
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
in late october i began a month long craft residency in gros morne national park, newfoundland. heading up to woody point (where the artist's house is located) i came up with a project. i wanted to do something that i would leave in the community. i also had just been diagnosed with osteoporosis in my spine and i wanted to pay attention to that. recently i'd come across the ancient celtic tradition of the "cloutie tree". "cloutie" is the scottish word for "cloth" and cloutie trees can still be found in parts of scotland, ireland and west coast england. these "wishing" trees were always located beside a well or a brook. if you had a health problem, you would take a piece of cloth, dip it in the water, place it on the part of your body that was sick and hang it on the tree. overtime the cloth would fray and your body would heal.

i chose a tree in a meadow at the edge of town. an old plum tree. with the most magnificent view of bonne bay and gros morne mountain. every evening i would embroider a body part onto a piece of cloth (usually chiffon). sometime during the next day i would walk to the tree, dip the cloth in the nearby brook, place it on my own body and then hang it on the tree. i began with my own body, then my family's bodies, my friend's bodies. every day the weather was different and the feeling was different. sun and rain and wind and snow as the the weeks passed - october into november.
i then began on the earth as a body. what does the earth need to make it whole and healthy? air and sun and rain. joy and laughter and compassion. friends who visited me in woody point added their own "clouties"
on the last day of my residency in late november i went to the tree at dawn and hung the last "cloutiie"
in early december i returned to woody point, and in the middle of a snowstorm, i visited the tree. all the cloth was wrapped in on itself. keeping warm. i'll see it again in the spring.

on the last day of my residency in late november i went to the tree at dawn and hung the last "cloutiie"
in early december i returned to woody point, and in the middle of a snowstorm, i visited the tree. all the cloth was wrapped in on itself. keeping warm. i'll see it again in the spring.
Monday, January 13, 2014
after pretty steady work for the past two years, i have finally finished my chakra piece.
a couple of years ago in florida, i picked up a dozen simple vintage linen napkins . around this time i was also beginning to have some medical problems. so i decided to start a project that would help me concentrate on my body. i wanted to do this work without pressure. without a time limit. with no other goal in mind. i loved working this way. each piece took a few months to complete (while i worked on other art projects). the throat chakra stalled for 6 months which makes sense because i have trouble with my thyroid. i hand dyed each of the napkins to correspond to their chakra colour. i researched the location, the meaning, the symbolism of each chakra. i tried not to be too literal, but instead "feel" my way into each chakra. each piece includes applique, embroidery, stitching, beading.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
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